Thursday, February 7, 2019

Do Not Delay..

This morning I am reading a sermon by Charles Spurgeon entitled The Lamb of God in Scripture.  There is a portion I just must share regarding people who have heard the gospel putting off receiving the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour, their own salvation, delaying for one reason or another.  I speak of my own brother who says that he will "think about these things over the summer".  Here is the portion:

"Now behold Him, each one of you for yourself.  I know what someone will say, 'I hope to do that by and by."  I hope you do not so deceive yourself.  I have heard that there was once a great meeting in the den of the arch-enemy and he was stirring up his myrmidons to seek the destruction of men.  One of them said 'I  have gone forth, and I have told men that there is no God, and no hereafter, and no difference between sin and righteousness and that they may live as they like"; and there was considerable approbation among the evil spirits.  But Satan himself said, "thou hast done small service, for man has a conscience, and his conscience teaches him better; he knows that there is a God, he knows that there is a difference between sin and righteousness he knows that there must be future punishment; you have done but little."  Then anther stood up, and said "I have done better, I think, most mighty chieftain, for I have told them that the Bible is a worn-out book, that it was a fable at the first, and that they need not believe it."  There was a round of cheers, for they said that he had done splendid service for the cause of darkness; but Satan said "It is in vain that you meddle with the old Book, it has taken care of itself, and it can still do so  There is no shaking, it is like a rock.  Thou hast done service for a time, but it will soon pass away."  And scarcely did anyone of the fallen spirits venture to bring forward his boasting in the presence of the terrible master who sat in the midst of them; but at last, one  said "I have told men that they have souls, and there is a God, and that the Bible is true.  I have left them to believe as they will, but I have whispered in their ear that there is plenty of time to consider all this."  Then there was a hush, and the great master of demons said "Thou hast done best of all.  This is my great net in which I take more souls that with any other, this net of procrastination or delay."  Therefore say I to you, my hearers, disappoint the fiend.  Fly to Jesus at once.  Behold not tomorrow, but tonight, behold the Lamb of God, each man for himself."

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.  Do not delay!


Portion from The Lamb of God in Scripture. C.H. Spurgeon,
On Lord's-Day Evening, August 25, 1889

link to complete sermon:  The Lamb of God in Scripture

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