Tuesday, December 22, 2015

My Masterpiece Girls

Ladies, do any of you love dolls?  I loved dolls as a child and had many of them but gave them away when I was in my late teens to a lady whose children didn't have much.  It wasn't until 2006 when I started collecting them again at the time when I was babysitting my little granddaughter, a girly-girl who loved dolls.  But in 2010 she moved with her parents away from me and I kind of lost my mind and gave all my dolls away to a thrift store that carried lovely merchandise.  Then in 2011 we moved to Vancouver Island and I was able to see my granddaughter again so when she began collecting American Girl dolls my love for dolls re-surfaced and I began collecting again.  Our bedroom should better be called "Dollyland" but thankfully my husband is approving of my collection.

Below is a photo of my Masterpiece girl who arrived today.  She is the one on the left, her name is Rebecca.  The one on the right has been with me for a couple of years, the name she came with was Katrina but I re-named her Elizabeth.  Rebecca is 38 inches high and Elizabeth is 34. Rebecca is by the artist Monika Levenig and Elizabeth is by Monika Peter-Leicht  I guess that once a doll lover you never outgrow it no matter how old you are.
Here is a link to the Masterpiece Doll website where you can see many more beautiful dolls.


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